NIVRE Register-Experts in the Motor Vehicles sector are independent parties who can be called in to investigate the extent and cause of a claim. Not only do they assess claims relating to passenger vehicles, they also work with trucks and heavy equipment, caravans and campers, cycles, motorcycles and scooters. Their work includes technical investigations. Experts registered in this sector have, in addition to the required technical expertise, the necessary insurance background and strong communications skills. The requirements for registration therefore relate to these competences. The completion of the mandatory Permanent Education programme means that a Register Expert will be well informed about new developments and technology. Working in line with the code of conduct is an indispensable part of the role of NIVRE experts in the claims process. NIVRE experts sign the conduct form annually and so they are fully aware of the requirements of the code of conduct.
The motor vehicles sector board, which consists of a balanced membership of representatives from the survey/insurance market, attaches a great deal of importance to the registration requirements, permanent education and the image of the NIVRE Register-Expert.
The various sector-related committees develop high-quality professional courses, seminars and readings. The sector board is engaged in an ongoing dialogue with representatives and stakeholders from the sector in order to safeguard quality, respond to developments and to ensure that it is in a good position to make a sound contribution to the optimisation of the claims settlement process. As a sector, we seek to further professionalism and standards of conduct, we respond to changes in legislation, and we work on harmonising claims settlement procedures. The motor vehicles guidelines drafted by the NIVRE to determine depreciation are a good example of our work in this area. These guidelines are fully supported by the market.